God Body Butter

Our butters/oils are raw & unrefined; which means they’re melted  in low natural heat and then filtered. This process allows our ingredients to keep their nutritious essential fatty acids (EFA). EFA’s are vital for optimal skin health. 

Plentiful in antioxidants, compounds in each butter/oil work to destroy free radicals that cause oxidative stress. The same oxidative stress slowly kills you, sometime fatally with diseases like colon cancer. Oxidative stress is one of your body’s worst enemies because it has been proven to contribute to the development of several chronic diseases and disorders in the human body like  cancer, arthritis, alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, & internal organ complications. 

This being said, our herbal bodybutter  is  effective in moisturizing, soothing, and revitalizing  your skin. We use a variety of herbs to accommodate the needs of the people who suffer from severe skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, sensitivity, and rashes.


For best results, apply to skin after bathing while the skin is still damp. Water is added moisture that’ll help lock hydration into skin. Otherwise, take a generous amount of the butter and apply on to dry skin, it’ll take that ash away the same way! 

“ I am pure

I am rich

I am water

Watch me drip

I am clean

 I am soft

I stick to my regimen so I am never off,

I’m anointed & I got the sauce.”